Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I like purses too, Marty.

I can't believe I haven't blogged in almost a month. The hockey world has exploded with news and events since then (...kinda), and I've missed out!
I've meant well, I swear, but this past week I've been recovering. Not only from "hell week" before finals, but also from a Hanson concert.

. . .

Yeah, I'm not lying. I did street team work for one of their openers (my favoriteeee band Stephen Kellogg and the Sixers - shameless promotion there) and almost died in an stampede of 10-14 year old girls. Now I knew I was a teenybopper for Backstreet Boys, but this was scary.

Nevertheless, hockey! Sabres wise:
  • Goose is recovering from sports hernia surgery. That's good, we know a semi-0fficial status unlike a certain whiny, shiny headed "playa" that I've heard stories about. *coughcough*
  • Pommers is one of the three for the Lady Byng trophy, and in good company too. Way to go J-Poms! All those times at Delacy Ford and giving girls carnations on Valentine's Day payed off... kinda.
  • Ryan Miller has a playoff blog. Everyone knows about the blog, but I have to say it makes me happy that he uses "haha" in his sentences. Also, I have a theory that it's not really his 19-month-old godson that likes to head-butt. Poor Millsy, insecure enough to cover up through a baby.
  • Um, I'm excited for our bbz at Worlds?

In the playoff world, I really want Montreal to turn it around. I dislike the Flyers a lot for a number of reasons (that is a whole other entry/blog itself!), and while their fans booing "O Canada" doesn't affect the dislike of the team itself, it's not much of a help.
I know, Montreal booed the American anthem and it's a bit hypocritical, but there's something about booing even after there was a video of Briere asking to respect it.

ANYWAY... I want Baby!Price to not be so shaky and scared! You can do ittttt. But, I can't hate against Mr. Marty McPancakes. He has been putting on a show the last two games with 62 out of 66 shots stopped. And then watching this video gives him a special place in my heart. It's that accent, I swear.

We've got a full schedule tonight, woot woot! Now let's hope after tonight, I can keep up with the blogging world.


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